short story

Fire & Ice

Thorn felt a crack on the back of his head that sent him sprawling forward onto the ground, two stones skittering away. “What did I tell you about playing with fire,” his father growled. Living with so much wood and dry grasses in their village, his concern was well-founded. Thorn rubbed the back of his […]

process short story

How I came up with the idea for the Giant Killer

I had a moment recently when I was thinking about the situation that we often run into in which someone will relate an experience at an event and later, another person who was also at that same event will have had a very different experience. Related to that is the stories that are passed down […]

short story

The Giant Killer

Roland knocks on the door of the small hut and takes a step back. After a few moments, the door opens slowly and face cautiously peers out from the darkness. The face is embedded in a wild nest of gray hair sprouting in all directions and the suspicious eyes lighten into pleasure when Roland is […]


Novel added to the Library of Congress

The Sky’s Eyes is now registered with the Library of Congress.

for fun

Exploring patterns

I am digging back into my mathematical roots as I explore different patterns that are created with certain shapes. Not only can you see patterns within the shapes, but you can create new shapes by offset-overlapping and by using the negative space. Hexagons Triangles Squares

book review publicity

Book Review

A blogger and avid reader reviewed my book, The Sky’s Eyes. You can read the review, below. Review: The Sky’s Eyes by Brian Macrae

interview publicity

Read the interview

I was interviewed by Stacey Ritz, a fellow author and blogger. There were some interesting and thoughtful questions and you car read them by following the link below.


Interview with Christina Luna on 93.5 SBG

I was interview by Christina Luna on January 22nd on the local Stroudsburg, Pa radio station. Had a lot of fun. You can find more about Christina on her website. The radio station is 93.5 SBG.  Interview about the book begins at, 31:48.


Exerpt from Brian’s upcoming novel

Etienne was born on a sugar plantation in 1775 on Saint-Domingue. Conditions on the plantations were harsh and disease was common. This short life expectancy was one reason why the slave trade was so prosperous; most slaves did not live long enough to reproduce. Etienne’s mother died within a year of his birth. His father […]